10 Mars


Min  värdpappa älskar allt som har med teknologi och elektronik att göra. Ett projekt som nu har pågått ganska länge (De här med att avsluta ett projekt innan man påbörjar ett nytt har dom precis som i Sverige ingen aning om vad det är), är att lära huset prata. Om någon går in på Andy's kontor så säger en kvinnoröst med brittisk accent "Someone has entered Andy's office" i varenda högtalare i huset (ganska många). Om grinden ut från tomten öppnas eller vinkällaren blir för kall så annonceras det också ut av "Natasha", som rösten/huset nu kallas. Här om dagen hade Andy mucklat med Natasha för att förbättra(?)/förändra inställningarna och senare på kvällen jobbade jag och var alltså ensam hemma med barnen. Detta är mailet jag skickade till mina värdfräldrar senare den kvällen. Vartenda ord är sant!



Dear Andy and Jennifer -
All three kids and I were peacefully having dinner in the kitchen when Natasha, the voice of the home-automation system, announces: "Someone's entering Andy's office".
We look at each other, everyone thinking the same thing: "Who is here?!" We're home alone and the four of us are sitting in the kitchen!! I say: "There's probably just a problem in Andy's home-control system." Cooper says: "NO! My Dad never makes mistakes! Natasha is never wrong! Someone is here!" Then he leaves the table and walks towards the stairs. Tea stands up and says: "Devon, you stay here and keep Elin company, I go downstairs and kick some serious booty!"
After a few minutes both Cooper and Tea return and report no one there but "There is a weird echo in Dad's office."
The next second Natasha tells everyone: "Someone left the garage door open: I will close it for you now!" And we hear the sound of the garage door closing.
Devon yells: "He's in the garage, he's in the garage! ATTACK!!"
Devon disappears down the stairs. Cooper and Tea and I look at each other. Then Cooper says with a sad but determined voice: "If he's not back at 6:40 (it's 6:37 now) I will have to go down there after him!" We stay quiet, awaiting Devon's (safe) return. Then we hear someone open the front door and we are all paralyzed by fear. Is this the mysterious person??! Nope, it's Devon coming back from checking the garage. Again, no one was there.
"Maybe it was just Dad or Mom!" Tea says. "Where are they anyways?" Cooper says: "They're at Justin's birthday party." Tea says: "Justin? Justin who? Justin Bieber?" Cooper says: "No silly girl, Justin Timberlake of course!!"
"This is just strange" Tea declares and sits down again with a sigh.
Despite reading Hardy Boys books for years, the boys never solved the Mysterious Case of the Stranger in Andy's Office. But I am happy to tell you that we are all safe and happy in bed now.
Warmly, The Upper Happy Valley Detective Agency: Cooper, Devon & Tea Sloane Smith (and trusty and obedient assistant: Elin Bjorklund.)

Dear Andy and Jennifer -


All three kids and I were peacefully having dinner in the kitchen when Natasha, the voice of the home-automation system, announces: "Someone's entering Andy's office".


We look at each other, everyone thinking the same thing: "Who is here?!" We're home alone and the four of us are sitting in the kitchen!! I say: "There's probably just a problem in Andy's home-control system." Cooper says: "NO! My Dad never makes mistakes! Natasha is never wrong! Someone is here!" Then he leaves the table and walks towards the stairs. Tea stands up and says: "Devon, you stay here and keep Elin company, I go downstairs and kick some serious booty!"


After a few minutes both Cooper and Tea return and report no one there but "There is a weird echo in Dad's office."


The next second Natasha tells everyone: "Someone left the garage door open: I will close it for you now!" And we hear the sound of the garage door closing.


Devon yells: "He's in the garage, he's in the garage! ATTACK!!"


Devon disappears down the stairs. Cooper and Tea and I look at each other. Then Cooper says with a sad but determined voice: "If he's not back at 6:40 (it's 6:37 now) I will have to go down there after him!" We stay quiet, awaiting Devon's (safe) return. Then we hear someone open the front door and we are all paralyzed by fear. Is this the mysterious person??! Nope, it's Devon coming back from checking the garage. Again, no one was there.


"Maybe it was just Dad or Mom!" Tea says. "Where are they anyways?" Cooper says: "They're at Justin's birthday party." Tea says: "Justin? Justin who? Justin Bieber?" Cooper says: "No silly girl, Justin Timberlake of course!!"


"This is just strange" Tea declares and sits down again with a sigh.


Despite reading Hardy Boys books for years, the boys never solved the Mysterious Case of the Stranger in Andy's Office. But I am happy to tell you that we are all safe and happy in bed now.


Warmly, The Upper Happy Valley Detective Agency: Cooper, Devon & Tea Sloane Smith (and trusty and obedient assistant: Elin Bjorklund.)


I morrn drar vi till Hawaii, see ya!


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